Rudeness at its Best

Rudeness at its best. We got snow a lot of snow. The roads are not bad during the day but a blast of cold air is coming and the wet roads ARE going to freeze. So some business closed early to get their employees home before this happens.

You and your arrogance come to shop and when you find the stores are closed you make your smart remarks about people not being able to drive in the snow, yes we can drive in the snow some people have more respect for their employees to make sure that they get home safe.

So please brace yourself for the truth that the world does not revolve around you.

If you need something that bad plan it out and don’t wait till the last minute. There is always tomorrow to come out and shop. So please have the respect for others that you want for yourself, that you demand. Respect is earned not demanded.

As always these are my opinions and mine alone.

Bitches Brew

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